宣统元宝是清朝货币名,是宣统年间发行的宣统年号银圆。宣统三年大清银币为前清之正式国币,原期辛亥十月发行。尚未发行,武昌事起,国体忽变。 Xuantong Yuanbao is the currency name of the Qing Dynasty and the silver circle issued during the Xuantong period. Xuantong three years of the Qing Dynasty silver coins for the former Qing Dynasty official national currency, the original issuehai. Not yet issued, Wuchang incident, the state suddenly changed.
宣统元宝是清朝未代皇帝爱新觉罗溥仪在位时发行的货币,其材质为贵金属银,成色含量达到91%。宣统元宝银币的正面铸有铭文,顶部铸楷体"云南省造"四字,底部铸货币价值:"库平三钱六分",中心直读"光绪元宝"四字,币中心为满文"光绪元宝”,外圈两侧各有一朵四角花纹装饰。藏品的背面内圏是神龙图腾,纹路如刀刻所成,铸造工艺神乎其技,且龙身纹路精美,并有云海托,看上去仿佛是一幅神龙天际油画,极其瑰丽,美得动人心魄!神龙图腾纹饰色泽艳丽明快,自然纯正,光洁细润。钱币的版面设计优雅,而且存世量极为稀少,是收藏界精品,知名度极大的一种,具有无法估量的学术与历史价值。 Xuantong Yuanbao was the currency issued by Emperor Aixinjue Luo Puyi in the Qing Dynasty. It was made of precious metal silver and its color content reached 91. Xuantong Yuanbao silver coin has inscriptions on the front, the top cast italics "made in Yunnan Province" four characters, the bottom cast currency value :" Kuping three money six points ", the center read "Guang Xu Yuanbao" four words, the currency center is full text "Guang Xu Yuanbao ", each side of the outer ring has a four-corner pattern decoration. The back of the collection is a dragon totem, lines such as knife engraving, casting technology, and the dragon body fine lines, and there is a cloud sea, looks like a dragon sky oil painting, extremely magnificent, beautiful moving soul! Dragon totem decorative color bright, natural pure, smooth and fine. The layout of coins is elegant and rare. It is a kind of collection boutique and famous, which has incalculable academic and historical value.
【藏品名称】:云南省造宣统元宝库平三钱六分 [Collection Name]: Yuanbao Treasury, Chuanxuantong, Yunnan Province, three dollars and six cents 【规格】:直径:3.321cm 重:13.2g [Specification]: Diameter :3.321 cm Weight :13.2 g
在喜欢收藏清朝货币的钱币收藏爱好者中,对于清朝的宣统元宝,无论是从收藏数量还是收藏质量上来说都是有很高的人气。宣统元宝有着非常精致的外形和图案,因此在收藏清朝古钱币的收藏者眼中还是比较突出的,也是比较受关注和交易购买量很高的清朝古钱币之一。 Among the coin collectors who like to collect the money of the Qing Dynasty, Xuantong Yuanbao of the Qing Dynasty has a high popularity both in terms of the quantity and quality of the collection. Xuantong Yuanbao has a very delicate shape and pattern, so it is still more prominent in the eyes of the collectors who collect the ancient coins of the Qing Dynasty, and it is also one of the ancient coins of the Qing Dynasty which are paid more attention to and have a high amount of transaction and purchase.